Application Portal

Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)


Studentische Hilfskraft (m/w/d) für die Finanzbuchhaltung in Potsdam


The hiring managers will not see this information. It will be used for statistical purposes only to improve fairness, gender equality, and diversity at the institute.


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The hiring managers will not see this information. It will be used for statistical purposes only to improve fairness, gender equality, and diversity at the institute.

Is there a severe disability? / Liegt eine Schwerbehinderung vor?

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Single pdf file (no photo, containing CV, certificates, qualifications, employer's reference, max. 20MB) Einzelne PDF-Datei (kein Bewerbungsbild, inkl. Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, Qualifikationen, Arbeitszeugnisse, max. 20MB)

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